The Hairstylist
Performance Planner
The methods in the planner are what I've used and continue to use to reach my next level in my life and business.
GET YOUR COPY-Are you a Hairstylist who is ready
to scale your business to 6 figures?
-OR maybe you'd like to scale
your 6 figure business?

I'm going to share
with you my proven methods and strategies that will quickly help you grow your business to the next level.
YES, PLEASE!After experiencing the shut down,
if you're like me you;
- Refuse to go back to long hours and "giving deals."
- You're gonna work less and make more
- You are going to manage your money and clientele better
- You're going to create more free time so that you can spend quality time with the ones you love the most.

Are you sick of feeling like:
You work so hard but you're still not making the amount of money you want
Managing your clients feels heavy
Your money seems to be spent before you even make it.
What if you could have the perfect structure that will help free up your time and eliminate the stress around money and your business so that you have plenty of money every month to do what you want AND SAVE?
The Hairstylist Planner
can do all of that for you
What exactly is
Hairstylist Performance Planner?
It's a 90 day planner with 8 pillars.
Inside the Hairstylist Performance Planner you'll find:
- A 7 day easy marketing plan that you can rinse and repeat.
- A 2 page exercise to get you clear on your numbers.
- Client trackers, money trackers
- The hairstylist 6 figure blueprint
- Your personal blueprint

In my career as a stylist
I've had to generate lots more income fast more times the I can count.
Each time I had to scale I got better and faster at making it happen.
In fact a few year back I was working one day a week making 500. Some stuff went down at the salon and I found myself in need to make 2k a week.
So I went back to work five days a week. I implemented everything I knew and quickly scaled to 6 figures.
If I can do it so can you!
“Learning and Implementing what Stacy has taught me has helped me go from a 50% return rate to 95%. I follow all the steps and I have been very consistent. Thank you Stacy, your workshop has change the way I run my entire business.”
Gail Cameron-Cush
this is you:
- You've successfully raised your prices
- You have the perfect schedule
- Your money management system is a success, you are paying bills off and saving
- Your clients are gladly paying and rebooking
- Your business has a nice flow with the right systems that make it impossible to fail.

Maybe you're thinking, this is too good to be true?
I hear you, but once I took the time to create the plan, map it out, create the right method and tools and IMPLEMENT THEM I was like OMG that was easy.
And now I want to share it with all you hairstylists.
I want to give you the map to create any success you'd like. And I mean ANY success. As long as you are willing to create some new success habits.
These systems are easy, the only thing you need to do is follow them step by step like I have.
My new normal is taking two days a week off my schedule. I've changed my prices and my hours.
My goal, make the same money but cut the days and time I spend in the salon WAY BACK so that I can spend more time with my friends, family and find my plus one :)
The 90-Day Hairstylist Performance Planner
will help you map out all aspects of what it will take
You'll see It's more then just "declaring your number."
There are a few strategies and systems you need to have in place to execute your plan.
I've also created a Mini course to show you how to use each section of the planner so that you can maximize your success.
How many times have you bought a planner but didn't know how to properly use it, so you just pushed it to the side?
I know I have...
Well I don't want you to do that! Everything you need to grow and sustain a successful business is in this planner!
If you don't find that to be true, you can keep the planner and I will give you your money back!
So if you've been feeling stuck and frustrated in the past and wonder what's the best way to grow your business, and make more money to build a more quality life, then this planner and mini course is for you.
In the mini course
I've also included the replay of a training where I teach the Hairstylist 6 Figure Blueprint framework as well as a video where I share my results after using the planner for 90 days.

Using the methods and systems in the planner you will:

- Know how to market yourself
- Grow a bigger clientele
- Hit your monetary targets
- Know your numbers
Eliminate gaps in your schedule.
Retain 90% of your clients and have
them rebooking -
Booked out weeks in advanced
This performance planner is your entire business at your fingertips!
No more wonder how to grow, scale and organize
your business behind your chair.
If you are ready to have a full system to double
or triple your income, grab this planner.
No more confusion on how to manage or grow
your business behind your chair!

And if you are ready to get laser focused and committed to leveling up your business to 10K months then this planner is for you!
Grab your Hairstylists Performance Planner NOW
Your investment and bonuses for
The Hairstylist Performance
90 Day Planner
- One page personal budget sheet
- Closing the gap, map and exercise
- 6- Figure Blueprint
- Personalize Blueprint framework
- Monthly Mission
- 7 day marketing plan
- Monetary Trackers
- Client Management framework
- "Filling The Gap" Strategy
- INSTANT ACCESS>> 6 Figure Blueprint Framework Training [$497. Value]
- INSTANT ACCESS Mini course>> [$197. Value]
Total Value $761
“Stacy has been one of the most influental individuals in my career. She's provided mentorship and guidance that has allowed me to build a successful business. I am a single mom with three children, since working with Stacy, my children and I have been able to move into our own place. I have the time to be a hands on mom. I also have the freedom and know how, to reach my financial goals.”
Liz Newell
Are you sick of:
- Low retention rates
- Not making the income you desire
- Just "winging it" hoping you make enough to cover the bills
- Not having a solid map or plan for your future goals
- Lack of confidence and uncertainty
- Fickle clients who don't rebook
- Slow times
- No marketing plan
- Sitting more then building
Then this planner is for you!

Why using this planner is a game changer
to grow your business

- Maps
- Frameworks
- Methods
- Blueprints and strategies are designed for immediate results to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Each strategy is built upon each other to created the momentum needed to build and retain and sustain your income goals.
What would your life look like right now if you could double your income?
What if investing $67 dollars was all you had to spend to double your income?
Would it be worth it to you?
See below how Vicki made $400 more in the first week of implementing what she learned in some of our training together.
The methods you'll find in this planner are what I still use to this day when I want to generate a new income level.
My goal is to help as many hair stylists as I can who are willing to believe in themselves, and reach financial freedoms in their life too.

- Vicki Macias
"I went through the assignments and have been using my daily income tracker ever since. It's been so cool to see my progress, and what I can do to improve. The first week I used it was a wake up call, as I was nearly $650 short of my weekly goal (I set a big goal for myself!). The second week, after putting the things I learned to use, I was only $220 short of my weekly goal! That much closer to reaching it! Setting goals on paper and seeing myself work towards them has been such an encouragement."