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Lisa Huff, founder of Stylist Soul Tribe

Such a lovely, genuine conversation with our industry soul sister

Lisa Huff, the founder of Stylist Soul Tribe.

Lisa found herself in a place where she wanted to belong to a place where she could collab with other hairstylist in a mastermind. She couldn't find it so she created it! 

Lisa shares somethings she calls "cycle of success" dream schedule, dream clientele, dream income.

She created a free workbook just for our listeners.

Dream Schedule/Clientele Workbook

This workbook walks you through finding and implementing your dream schedule, while also taking an intentional look at your clientele. Who lights you up, who drains you, and even some verbiage to let go of the clients that drain you.

So many golden nugget in this conversation. 

I highly recommend following Lisa on Instagram because she has some pretty cool stuff in the works :)

Like the launch of her podcast November 1st


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